Harpist and multi-creative Lisa Cumming shares how recognizing that social learning is her preferred learning style has skyrocketed her creativity, motivation and confidence. Discover how Community can be your primary source of learning and expressing your creativity. Social/Community is a valid learning style, and perhaps the original learning style! Be sure to watch to the end to hear Lisa’s empowering message of how all people can tap back into their creative spark!
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Welcome to Bright Way podcast. Thank you. Thanks for having me. And where are you right now? I am in Alberta, Canada. Fantastic. And can you tell us a little bit about your creative journey? Well, my creative journey started in maybe 10 years ago. I was in a therapy class and I did the yoga, which was amazing.
Then I did the writing. I did the art, which I was terrible at, and I'm not being negative. I'm being honest. I did something else, which I can't remember. And they offered Harp. So...
Ruth has played harp most of her life, and connects her music with current events - for example, playing “The Parting of Friends” outside the British Embassy in Dublin on the eve of Brexit. This keeps Ruth’s motivation strong, and is one of the reasons she doesn’t experience performance anxiety. Ruth is clear on her “why,” so her mission to share is a desire, not fear-inducing. Meanwhile, Ruth is also diving deeper into her own creative process and finding herself composing for the first time! Come join this dynamic conversation on staying connected to both your inner and outer inspirations so that your artistic voice is a full expression of your true self.
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Hello, Ruth MacDonald. Hello, Diana fellow Irish woman. Lovely to connect with you. Where are you? I'm in cork, which is done in the suburbs of kind of Ireland. I'm originally from Dublin, which I moved here about 30 years ago to take up a job at the local university....
Jungian analyst, writer and harpist Kathleen Wiley on how a System brings confidence and clarity to your creative journey. Kathleen also shares how she overcame initial feelings of insecurity starting harp 9 years ago as an adult and accomplished professional. When she realized the same Purpose behind her joyous writing, analysis and speaking career also flows through her harping, everything fell into place. Be sure to listen to the end for a tremendously empowering message from Kathleen!
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Kathleen welcome to Bright Way podcast. Thank You. I'm so glad to be here with you. Where are you? And Cheryl's Ford North Carolina, which is about 45 minutes Northwest of Charlotte for anyone who's flown through Charlotte or visited the area. Lovely. And can you tell us a little bit about your background? Yeah, so I, I grew up in the South,
so I have this Southern accent that some of you you will hear. And I learned to, I learned to spell phonetically. So I always tell people...
Neuropsychologist Teresa has been a passionate musician since her early years. However, work and child-rearing took center stage for decades. Newly retired, Teresa now has the time to focus intently on her music. She shares how the Bright Way System helps her stay firmly on her creative path with much to look forward to and no regrets.
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So welcome Teresa. Hello, Diana. Where are you? I am in that geographical never, never land of Silicon Valley. All right. And with our podcast, what we're really focused on is the idea that everyone is creative and that you can be creative at any time, any place, any age, having examples of this is so valuable because it's one thing to say all of this,
and it sounds good. Right. But what does it look like in real life? So I'm wondering if you could share a little bit about, about your life as a creative and you know, that we define it really broadly, you know, creativity is being directly engaged with whatever you're doing. If...
After raising her children, Johanne finally has time to focus on her creative path as a harpist, composer, arranger and performer. She shares how she stays inspired and on track, focused on the here and now of the creative life. She also shares how by tapping into her creative path and community, she was able to process and integrate the loss of her beloved mother recently. Johanne shares it’s all the little creative acts we take that lead to magnificent outcomes - leave time for exploration rather than worrying about the end product.
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- [Interviewer] Hello Joanne, how are you doing? - [Joanne] Nice. Nice to talk to you again. - [Interviewer] Yeah. And where are you right now? - [Joanne] I am in Nova Scotia in Canada in the Atlantic region. - [Interviewer] Beautiful. And can you tell us a little bit about your creative journey so far? When did you start getting on your creative path? - [Joanne] As a musician? -
[Interviewer] It could be anything cause you...
Harpist, composer and scientist Masayo shares how she regained her creative Purpose, inspiration and motivation after the trauma of losing her beloved husband and becoming a single mother. Today, she has her own YouTube channel, publishes her compositions, and her future is bright!
Check out Masayo's channel here:
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So welcome Masayo Honjo. - Hi Diana (laughs). - Where are you? - I'm in my house, I'm in Southern California. The name of the town is Newbury Park, and sitting, this is a dining table, actually. - (laughs) I love it. - This real life, our whole goal with the podcast is to show what a regular creative life actually looks like day to day. And you're a wonderful harpist, composer, you make videos you have built your own harp and you did it. You have written out your music, so it's available. I'd like to go back in time, before we go forward again to your journey. I go back in time, and if you could...
Music therapist and multi-instrumental composer-performer Lorinda shares about that unspoken burden creative professionals sometimes suffer - burnout. Lorinda describes how she moved past burnout, rediscovered her creative fire, and ditched all plans to retire. Instead, she has more #creative plans than ever! More about Lorinda Jones:
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Hmm, Lorinda. It's great to be with you here today. It's great to be here too. Yeah. Glad to have you here in Kentucky. Thank you. So you have an incredible background as a musician. You have been a music therapist for over 25 years, a pioneer actually in Kentucky in the field of music therapy, which is very intensive field,
requires a whole bunch of study. You've also run two ensembles. One is for dulcimer. One is for Harp. You have an Irish trio. I mean, you are a full on professional musician. And for many people, they dream, Oh, being a professional musician, everything would be just wonderful. I would be in a...
Multidisciplinary creative and scientist Bonnie Sparks shares how structure enhances her creativity rather than hems it in. By having a system, she gains momentum and also resilience when common creative boogeymen like perfectionism show up. Bonnie also appreciates the inspiration and example of experts from many disciplines, and incorporates their wisdom with her own powerful vision to create over and over.
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All right. Welcome Bonnie too. Bright Way chats. And this is where we explore what creativity actually looks like in real life. And our whole mission is to show that creativity is inherent to every single person. And while it's inherent inside everybody, you know, oftentimes we will lose our, lose our way here and there. And we like to explore how to get back on the path.
So thank you for being here. I'm so happy to join you. This is a wonderful, wonderful podcast. I'm excited. Yeah. We really want to show that, you know, creativity is possible. It's very,...
A professional dancer and dance studio owner for 50 years, Susan recently retired and now follows her dream of playing harp. She shares how her optimistic creative spirit allows her to know one can take on a new endeavor at any time with great success. She believes that creativity is a way of life, not a separate activity one engages in from time to time. Susan also speaks about how creative Community gives her inspiration, encouragement, learning and fun.
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Yeah, welcome Susan Wright, Regan. Nice to see you today. You too. Where are you based in Boston, Massachusetts. Okay. And can you tell us a little bit about your, your journey, your creative life? I know that you're a lifelong dancer. Well, I did have my own dance studio and performed. I did a few TV commercials and things like that for about 52 years.
And I retired at the age of 69, which is about four years ago, almost five, and I always wanted to play a musical instrument, but I never had the time that my...
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