Get unstuck:
Discover your innate creative inspiration in only 15 minutes a day
For artistic creatives: performers, crafters, designers, hobbyists from all walks of life
Experience this FREE 4-Day Creativity Mini-Retreat
Online with Dr. Diana Rowan
Four 15-minute sessions to your inbox daily
(Value of $147 but yours FREE!)
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Note: at 9am daily (local time) you'll receive a new video tutorial.
During this FREE 4-Day Creative Mini-Retreat you’ll finally...
Get inspired in as little as 15 minutes a day
Get motivated to practice (music to writing to...) by reclaiming your "Beginner's Mind"
Get energized and create from infinite inspiration, not duty, guilt, or obligation
Clear clutter: focus on what ignites your passion, sidestep energy drains
Tap into your unique genius, the creative voice inside you - own your creative style and power with a surprisingly easy single move
Gain safe space for your creativity: to change, we need to feel safe and strong - our mini-retreat is a sure step!
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Note: at 9am daily (local time) you'll receive a new video tutorial.

"It was through a little bit of everyday magic that I became aware of Diana’s work, and after her book arrived I immediately began to read it. I remember being impressed that maybe through her unique approach, I would actually get somewhere.
And it was very exciting because it turned out this was the missing link that I needed! My vision became clarified, and I basically felt a lot more joyful making decisions going forward."
━ Kathy Rees Johnson

"The great thing about Diana's approach is it can be applied both to your creative life and your personal life. It gives you the tools and skills to allow you to take steps towards achieving your goals.
Diana’s approach literally turns your dreams and inspirations into reality. My creativity and motivation have increased, which has also flowed on to any other creative things that I do like gardening, cooking, exercise, and also to relationships with other people, because you're more motivated and inspired, you're happier. And then that just flows onto your whole life!"
━ Diane Almond

"I'm a psychoanalyst and I do a lot of presenting. About nine years ago, I started the harp. All the presence, purpose, intention, focus, calm and centeredness that I bring to my life's work somehow didn't come with me to the harp!
Working with Diana helped me bring my life's work confidence to my music. Diana's approach is a template for helping you live into that next creative aspect of your soul that wants to manifest in your life.
No matter where we are on the path of consciousness, no matter where we are on the path of evolving, we all need support. We all need a sense of someone who can give voice to what we know and our deeper psyche soul yet cannot grasp and apply to a particular dimension of our life.
If you want to give expression to something in your life, Diana can help you."
━ Kathleen Wiley
North Carolina
Grow your inspiration & reignite your motivation at our free mini-retreat!
Many creatives wait, hoping will inspiration strike today.
Hoping make sense: without inspiration, creativity dries up.
We’ve all been there!
But if we simply wait for inspiration, it's slow going.
Have you experienced this?
To me it was demoralizing, even making me doubt my creative ability.
Here’s the secret most successful, long-term creatives know:
You can spark your inspiration at will!
Don’t wait.
Here's how we'll take action together:
Each mini-retreat day you’ll learn a short, easy exercise to get your creativity flowing again.
Each session lasts only 15 minutes: walk away with proven inspiration practices you can use anytime.
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Note: at 9am daily (local time) you'll receive a new video tutorial.

Our mini-retreat: proven practices that work, not just nice words!
Our Schedule:
Day 1
Learn to Harmonize with Yourself: get in touch with your eternal creative flame (bonus: this helps you deal with life in general!)
Format: video, transcript, worksheet, FB Group
Day 2
Light your Fire of Inspiration so that your creative flame burns brighter, blazing your creative path at will.
Format: video, transcript, worksheet, FB Group
Day 3
Define your Purpose, your glorious personal WHY behind all your creativity, even your entire life. This may sound enormous, but your Purpose is already inside you.
Format: video, transcript, worksheet, FB Group
Day 4 (Last Day)
Fulfillment! Document your wins. Be proud of your accomplishments from our time together. Feel strong, joyful, and inspired for the journey ahead! (when people start writing their wins, they're amazed at their accomplishments)
Format: video, transcript, worksheet, FB Group
Plus...your bonus follow-up materials:
mp3 of Harmonizing with Yourself guided meditation with harp accompaniment by Diana
4 pre-recorded FB Lives, adding insight on that day’s activity, connecting The Bright Way System in big picture, & celebrating participant wins
Reignite your Eternal Flame:
awaken your creative voice via this proven method, even if you're stuck, overwhelmed, or drifting!
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Note: at 9am daily (local time) you'll receive a new video tutorial.
Meet your creative guide, award-winning musician & author
Dr. Diana Rowan
I started music at a young age, performing worldwide with much outward success. But secretly I suffered crippling performance anxiety. This horrendous fear forced me to quit music - the heart of my creative life - for years.
It’s an all too common secret story for we creatives. We suffer in silence. But it doesn’t have to be this way!
What I didn’t know then - I didn’t have the words or a guide - was: I was fearful because I had forgotten my true inspiration.

The years passed and the ghost of my creativity haunted me. Despite being scared out of my wits, I knew I had to reclaim my musical voice or risk living a shadowy life.
Thus began an epic journey with many twists and turns, culminating in my system The Bright Way: Five Steps to Freeing the Creative Within, now a book, a membership, courses, and the basis of this free mini-retreat! It's an honor - part of my true Purpose - to share this with you. I hope it helps you as it has helped me!

Yes, today it’s my honor to teach creatives worldwide The Bright Way System.
Like them, reclaim your creative voice & confidently share your creations by:
reconnecting with your deepest reasons for creating
so that you create consistently for life
using joy (not fear) to skill-build so that you truly progress
empowering you to courageously share
touch the people you care about most and be part of a bigger picture
gaining community
offering you a safe, supportive creative playground so your creativity flows for a lifetime
Practicing The Bright Way allowed me to become a full-time creative rather than live life on the sidelines.
I hold a Ph.D. in Music Theory (world harp techniques for composers), a Master of Music (classical piano performance), plus compose, teach, write, perform, and research creativity obsessively. My Bright Way Guild, an online academy and community, is dedicated to bringing out the unique creative voice within each of us. The bright knowledge: the more we live as our true selves, the more the world benefits.
Reignite your Eternal Flame:
awaken your creative voice via this proven method to energize & inspire you, even if you're stuck, overwhelmed, or aimless!
(Value of $147 but yours FREE!)
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Note: at 9am daily (local time) you'll receive a new video tutorial.
What people are saying

"My background in music was pretty rigid. I was contracted, not able to play in front of people anymore. And then one day I said, that's it, I'm not good enough. And I stopped, until I discovered Diana’s approach.
Diana's approach has been really supportive in so many ways, very gentle to the soul, to the heart, to one's creativity, to one's Artistry. I love that you can be a musician, you can be a storyteller, you can be a dancer, you can be anything and it works! Diana's approach has been brilliant, priceless, and supportive.
I hope if and when you join, it serves you as well as it has for me and even more!
And it was very exciting because it turned out this was the missing link that I needed! My vision became clarified, and I basically felt a lot more joyful making decisions going forward."
━ Wendolyn Bird

"I loved my creative work, but I was finding that my motivation to sit down and practice was flagging. And along with it, my creative energy. I Googled "Practice your instrument creative energy," and fortunately for me, a link to Diana's work popped up. I listened to the introductory video and wrote several pages about life with my harp and life without my harp. And I found I had a growing excitement for life with my harp!
Diana's approach is so beautifully organized and -forgive my using this word - sensible! Her system has fed my creative potential in ways I can't even begin to describe in just a few minutes.
I’m very grateful for a rebirth of inspiration in my creative life!"
━ Margie Bekoff

"I have been a musician for 25 years, and for the past 10, a professional vocalist and vocal teacher. Two years ago I picked up harp, and my teacher suggested I take a look at Diana's approach to add to my practice. I was a little reluctant because I had been in university for seven years and I was feeling like I needed to break from having other voices in my head.
One day I went to my teacher's house and she had one of Diana's videos loaded up on her computer. She said "you just have to watch, just have an open mind!" We watched a video about Centering, and it really spoke to me. Diana's way is really about helping you connect to your Artistry.
I love the sense of collaboration. As a singer, I've often felt like there's a lot of competition instead of collaboration and to meet people who are open is really wonderful. Right before I started Diana's approach, I applied for an artist-in-residence grant in Ontario. And I was shocked when I was chosen for it - I hadn't been playing harp very long. I was really fortunate that I had started Diana's way before I went because I knew in my mind how I wanted to proceed with things, how I felt connected to my instrument. I felt really grounded.
And there, I discovered my voice as a composer. Since that time I have received a grant from the Ontario arts council to record an album of voice and harp! This new creative approach has really opened up avenues for me and I find myself reinvigorated as a vocalist as well!"
━ Olivia Whiddon

"I was really feeling pretty overwhelmed juggling performance therapy, music therapy, teaching, to the point that I was actually considering just retiring from music completely. I was coming up on 40 years of music as a career.
As a relatively new harper, I think I was also suffering a bit from imposter syndrome, and at the time was not familiar with that term, but I realized now that that's part of what was going on. So I was on the verge of quitting that group and telling them to get a ‘real’ Irish harper!
Then I saw a post from Diana, and at first I feared: “Oh yeah, another self-help group. I'm going to buy a bunch of books and they're going to tell me how great I am and how great this person is, and that will be it.”
I have to say that did prove to be wrong because, from the very beginning, I was able to focus without any pressure. It is truly focused on what I need. Overall, Diana's approach has helped me to look at my own contribution to music for the last 40 years, and still hope to do!
I actually am so motivated to complete projects and goals, and have started so many different things that now I don't even have time to do everything!
I feel like I've been a worthy contributor to music - and in so many aspects of my life - and that I contributed to my students, to my music therapy clients, and to my performance groups.
Before starting to use Diana's approach, I wasn't going to recertify my music therapy degree. But now I've decided I am going to go for another five years. I feel confident that I can still work in that field in a way that compliments what I'm doing. I feel like I've been a more creative teacher and shared more of my own things with them in a way that they've benefited. And I feel much better about the contribution that I have with my Irish trio.
So thank you, Diana, for creating this approach. It has helped me and I feel good about the direction of things right now!"
━ Lorinda Jones
Reignite your Eternal Flame:
awaken your creative voice via this proven method to energize & inspire you, even if you're stuck, overwhelmed!
Get away from it all - regain your inspiration in only 15 mins/day
(Value of $147 but yours FREE!)
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Note: at 9am daily (local time) you'll receive a new video tutorial.