Do you feel giving & getting feedback is a bit scary? I understand. I feel the same. Yet it's a risk well worth taking, as the joys far outweigh the lows. Yes, by both giving and receiving feedback we:
• cultivate community
• accelerate our learning process
• stoke our inspiration
• identify blind spots
• build resilience name just a few of the benefits!
How to give and receive healthy feedback? Start with this sweet technique: you'll set the stage for positivity and true communication.
You already know practicing in small chunks usually gets better results. But! It's easy to get caught up in the moment and practice too long, reversing your gains. Or, if you don't have a full hour at our disposal, we often don't practice at all, thinking it's not worth it!
Do you have a Practice Journal? For any art form, your Practice Journal = your personal Artistic Diary! See many examples of Journals here - you'll be able to find 1 in your space right now so you can get writing & reflecting immediately. Your Journal helps with tracking, motivation & inspiration, & more. Bonus: learn the several-second move that helps you get into the right frame of mind, heart & soul for productive practice.
Do you know how to take something from short-term memory into long-term memory?! Learn how and get a head up on Mastery with this Bright Knowledge Instant!
You asked: "What is the best way to transfer improvised music into notes to be able to replicate it?" Watch this Bright Knowledge Instant to hear the answer!
"Is it best to balance creativity with structure?" Addressing a question from you, our community today on this Bright Knowledge Instant!bright knowledge instants
How is breathing contributing to your creativity? Take a breath. Think about it for a moment. Then watch this brand new Bright Knowledge Instant and let us know!
Are you harnessing the power of community? Watch this Bright Knowledge Instant and find out how!
Are you running on empty? Need to recharge your battery?
Lacking results and motivation in your practice? Watch this Bright Knowledge Instant and get the change you've been looking for!
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