This is a place for you to explore all the endnotes from the disertation:
1 Leopold Stokowski, conductor, radio interview with Arnold Michaelis, 1961, quoted by Rose, Beatrice Schroeder. The Harp in the Orchestra: A Reference Book for Harpists, Teachers, Composers and Conductors. Houston: Beatrice Schroeder Rose, 2002.
2 Sylvia Meyer, Principal Harp, National Symphony Orchestra, 1933-66, quoted by Rose, Beatrice Schroeder. The Harp in the Orchestra: A Reference Book for Harpists, Teachers, Composers and Conductors. Houston: Beatrice Schroeder Rose, 2002.
3 Lawergren, Bo. “The Rebirth of the Angular Harp,” Early Music America (Summer 2011).
Chapter 1
4 Buckland, Anne Walbank. Anthropological Studies, vol. 20. London: Ward & Downey, 1891.
5 Hussein, Temesgen. Personal interview. November 2011.
6 Lawergren, Bo. “The Rebirth of the Angular Harp,” Early Music America (Summer 2011).
7 Liddell, Henry George and Robert Scott. A Greek-English Lexicon. Tufts University: Perseus Digital Library.
8 Lawergren, Bo. “The Rebirth of the Angular Harp,” Early Music America (Summer 2011).
9 Lawergren, Bo, CD liner notes for Along the Silk Road, Mot,ma Music, 2010.
10 Lawergren, Bo. “The Rebirth of the Angular Harp,” Early Music America (Summer 2011).
11 Pringle, Peter, email message to Michael Levy, February 2013.
12 Willams, Sarajane. The Mythic Harp. Bethlehem, PA: Silva Vocat Music, 2000.
13 Tournier, Marcel. The Harp. Paris: Henry Lemoine & C Editeurs, 1959.
14 Hastings, James. Encyclopedia of Religion & Ethics, article 17. Edinburgh: T&T Clark/United States: Charles Scribner's Sons in the United States, 1908-1927.
15 Press, Lily. “From Iconography to Opacity; the harp’s mythological origins and modern neglect.” BA thesis, Haverford College Department of Music, 2009.
16 Knight, Roderic. “The Harp in India Today,” Ethnomusicology, vol. 29, no. 1, University of Illinois Press (Winter 1985).
17 Duffy, Susannah. “The Irish Harp.” © 2013.
18 Lawergren, Bo. “The Rebirth of the Angular Harp,” Early Music America (Summer 2011).
18 Sanite-Marie, Buffy. “The Mouthbow - Making Music on a Weapon.”
20 Encyclopaedia Brittanica. “African Music: Musical Bows.” © 2013.
21 Knight, Roderic. Personal interview. April 2013.
22 Charry, Eric. Mande Music: Traditional and Modern Music of the Maninka and Mandinka of Western Africa. University of Chicago Press, 2000.
23 Lawergren, Bo. “Western Influences on the Early Chinese Qin-Zither,” Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Bulletin 75 (2003).
24 Khan, Kurosh Ali. The Arab-Turkish Musical Tradition. Salt Lake City, UT: Eastern Arts, 1980.
25 van Campen, Ank. “Existing harps: Altai angular harp.”
26 Lawergren, Bo. “The Rebirth of the Angular Harp,” Early Music America (Summer 2011).
27 International Art and Architecture Research Association. “Research and Reconstruction of an Ancient Persian Harp.”
28 Labaree, Robert, CD liner notes for Cengnagme, Kalan Muzik, 2001.
29 Wikipedia. “Qanun (instrument).” Last modified Aug. 25, 2013.
30 Lawergren, Bo. “Harps on the Ancient Silk Road,” The Getty Conservation Institute (2004).
31 Knight, Roderic. “The Harp in India Today,” Ethnomusicology, vol. 29, no. 1, University of Illinois Press (Winter 1985).
32 Pandit Shiv Dayal Batish. “Singing Lesson #3.” © 2003
33 Courtney, David. “Surmandal or Swarmandal.”
34 Batish, Ashwin. Personal interview. March 2013.
35 Lawergren, Bo. “Western Influences on the Early Chinese Qin-Zither,” Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Bulletin 75 (2003).
36 Lawergren, Bo. “Harps on the Ancient Silk Road,” The Getty Conservation Institute (2004).
37 Becker, Judith. “The Migration of the Arched Harp from India to Burma,” The Galpin Society Journal 20 (1967).
38 Wai, Su. Personal interview. August 2013.
39 Lawergren, Bo. “The Rebirth of the Angular Harp,” Early Music America (Summer 2011).
40 Han, Mei. "Hugo's window on the world of Chinese zheng," Chime. Leiden: European Foundation for Chinese Music Research, 16-17 (2005).
41 Rice, Joyce et al. “The Chinese Harp, or Konghou.” © 2011.
42 Lawergren, Bo. “The Rebirth of the Angular Harp,” Early Music America (Summer 2011).
43 Sanger, Keith and Alison Kinnaird. Tree of Strings – Crann nan Teud. Midlothian, Scotland: Kinmor Music, 1992.
44 Westling, John. Personal interview. February 2013.
45 Ardival Harps. “Bray Harps.”
46 Buckland, Anne Walbank. Anthropological Studies, vol. 20. London: Ward & Downey, 1891.
47 Andrew Thom, harpmaker. “Design Features.”
48 Mann, Natalia. Personal interview. April 2013.
Chapter 2
49 Heymann, Ann. Personal interview. November 2011.
50 Houser, Kimberly Ann. “Five virtuoso harpists as composers: Their contributions to the technique and literature of the harp.” PhD diss., University of Arizona, 2005.
51 Sacchi, Floraleda. Elias Parish Alvars Life, Music, Documents. Dornach, Switzerland: Odilia Publishing Ltd., 1999.
52 Tournier, Marcel. The Harp. Paris: Henry Lemoine & C Editeurs, 1959.
53 Houser, Kimberly Ann. “Five virtuoso harpists as composers: Their contributions to the technique and literature of the harp.” PhD diss., University of Arizona, 2005.
54 Renié, Henriette. Complete Method for the Harp. Paris: Alphonse Leduc, 1966.
55 Houser, Kimberly Ann. “Five virtuoso harpists as composers: Their contributions to the technique and literature of the harp.” PhD diss., University of Arizona, 2005.
56 Govea, Wenonah Milton. Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Harpists: A Bio-Critical Sourcebook. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1995.
57 Grimes, F. Scott. “Marcel Tournier: Musicien Complet,” American Harp Journal (Summer 1986).
58 des Varennes, Francoise. Henriette Renie: Living Harp. Bloomington, Indiana: Music Works- Harp Editions, 1990.
59 Inglefield, Ruth K., Marcel Grandjany: Concert Harpist, Composer, and Teacher, Washington D.C. University Press of America, 1977.
60 Barnett, Margaret, “Grandjany, A Precious Heritage,” American Harp Journal (Fall 1971).
61 Sherman, Laura, “Continuing Marcel Grandjany’s Legacy with Susan Jolles,” American Harp Journal Extras (Winter 2011).
62 Inglefield, Ruth K. Marcel Grandjany: Concert Harpist, Composer, and Teacher. Washington D.C. University Press of America, 1977.
63 Barnett, Margaret, “Grandjany, A Precious Heritage,” American Harp Journal (Fall 1971).
64 des Varennes, Francoise. Henriette Renie: Living Harp. Bloomington, Indiana: Music Works- Harp Editions, 1990.
65 des Varennes, Francoise. Henriette Renie: Living Harp, Bloomington, Indiana: Music Works- Harp Editions, 1990.
66 Libbey, Theo, “Carlos Salzedo: A Centennial Perspective,” American Harp Journal (Summer 1985).
67 Govea, Wenonah Milton. Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Harpists: A Bio-Critical Sourcebook. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1995.
68 Owens, Dewey. Carlos Salzedo: From Aeolian to Thunder, Chicago, III: Lyon and Healy, 1992.
69 Salzedo, Carlos & Lucille Lawrence. Method for the Harp. Paris: Schirmer, 1929.
70 Kondonassis, Yolanda. On Playing the Harp. New York: Carl Fischer, LLC, 2003.
71 McDonald, Susann & Linda Rollo. Harp for Today: A Universal Method for the Harp. MusicWorks.
72 Trichkova, Vessela. Personal interview. November 2012.
73 Kite-Powell, Jeffery T. A Performer's Guide to Renaissance Music. Indiana University Press, 2007.
74 Lawergren, Bo, CD liner notes for Along the Silk Road, Mot,ma Music, 2010.
75 Kite-Powell, Jeffery T. A Performer's Guide to Renaissance Music. Indiana University Press, 2007.
76 Morrow, Michael, “The Renaissance Harp,” Oxford Journal of Music vol. 7, issue 4 (1979).
77 Lawrence-King, Andrew, CD liner notes for Harp music of the Italian Renaissance, Hyperion Records, 2004.
78 Morrow, Michael, “The Renaissance Harp,” Oxford Journal of Music vol. 7, issue 4 (1979).
79 Kite-Powell, Jeffery T. A Performer's Guide to Renaissance Music. Indiana University Press, 2007.
80 Heymann, Ann. Personal interview. November 2012.
81 Early Gaelic Harp. “The Port.” © 2010 Simon Chadwick.
82 Taylor, William, CD liner notes for Two Worlds of the Welsh Harp, Dorian Recordings, 1999.
83 Taylor, Bill. Sources for Fingernail Harp Technique from Wales and Ireland. Wire Branch of the Clarsach Society, 2012.
84 Woods, Carol. “The Harp and the Celtic Mystique in the Middle Ages.” © 2011 Harp Spectrum. `
85 O’Sullivan, Donal. Carolan: the life, times and music of an Irish harper. Cork: Ossian Publications, 2001.
86 Heymann, Ann. Personal interview. November 2012.
87 Ortiz, Alfredo. Personal interview. December 2010.
88 Ortiz, Alfredo. The International Rhythmic Collection for All Harps or Piano, Vol. 2. Corona, CA: Alfredo Ortiz Recordings and Books, 1996.
89 Romero, Ramon. Personal interview. May 2012.
90 Picken, Laurence and Noël J. Nickson, eds.. Music from the Tang Court. Cambridge University Press, 2006.
91 Wong, Winnie. Personal interview. February 2013.
92 Ridenour, Willliam, “The Kora and Korafolaw: A Treatise on the Musical Instrument and Those Who Play It.” Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Independent Study Abroad Program, 2010.
93 Knight, Roderic, “Mandinka Jaliya: The Professional Music of The Gambia vols. I & II.” PhD diss., University of California, Los Angeles, 1973.
94 Hussein, Temesgen. Personal interview. November 2012.
Chapter 3A
95 Khan, Kurosh Ali. The Arab-Turkish Musical Tradition. Salt Lake City, UT: Eastern Arts, 1980.
96 Napier, John “A “Failed Unison or Conscious Differentiation: The Notion of “Heterophony” in North Indian Vocal Performance,” School of Music and Music Education, University of New South Wales, 2006.
97 Houser, Kimberly Ann. “Five virtuoso harpists as composers: Their contributions to the technique and literature of the harp.” PhD diss., University of Arizona, 2005.
98 Savage, Patrick E., "Musical Evolution and Human Migration: Classification, Quantification, and Application" (2011). Open Access Dissertations and Theses. Paper 5993.
99 Garfias, Robert. “Speech and Melodic Contour Interdependence in Burmese Music.” 1981.
100 Henebry, Richard. A Handbook of Irish Music. Cork University Press, 1928.
101 Racanelli, David. “Formulaic Variation Procedures in Made Griot (Jeli) Guiltar Playing and Improvisation.” Analytical Approaches to World Music, vol 2, no. 1 (2012).
102 Hussein, Temesgen. Personal interview. November 2012.
103 Levy, Michael. Musical Adventures in Time Travel. England: Michael Levy, 2013.
104 Wheeler, John, email to Michael Levy, November 2012.
105 Early Gaelic Harp. “Sister Strings, or na comhluige.” © 2010 Simon Chadwick.
106 Racanelli, David. “Formulaic Variation Procedures in Made Griot (Jeli) Guiltar Playing and Improvisation.” Analytical Approaches to World Music, vol 2, no. 1 (2012).
107 Knight, Roderic, “Mandinka Jaliya: The Professional Music of The Gambia vols. I & II.” PhD diss., University of California, Los Angeles, 1973.
108 Porter, Lewis. John Coltrane: His Life and Music. University of Michigan Press, 1999.
109 Labaree, Robert. Personal interview. March 2013.
110 Knight, Roderic, “Mandinka Jaliya: The Professional Music of The Gambia vols. I & II.” PhD diss., University of California, Los Angeles, 1973.
111 Knight, Roderic. Personal interview. August 2013.
112 Knight, Roderic, “Mandinka Jaliya: The Professional Music of The Gambia vols. I & II.” PhD diss., University of California, Los Angeles, 1973.
113 Kora Jaliya. “The Art of the Kora.” © 2007 Harald Loquenz,
114 Racanelli, David. “Formulaic Variation Procedures in Made Griot (Jeli) Guiltar Playing and Improvisation.” Analytical Approaches to World Music, vol 2, no. 1 (2012).
115 Knight, Roderic, “Mandinka Jaliya: The Professional Music of The Gambia vols. I & II.” PhD diss., University of California, Los Angeles, 1973.
116 Knight, Roderic. Personal interview. April 2013.
117 Knight, Roderic, “Mandinka Jaliya: The Professional Music of The Gambia vols. I & II.” PhD diss., University of California, Los Angeles, 1973.
118 Racanelli, David. “Formulaic Variation Procedures in Made Griot (Jeli) Guiltar Playing and Improvisation.” Analytical Approaches to World Music, vol 2, no. 1 (2012).
119 Knight, Roderic, “Mandinka Jaliya: The Professional Music of The Gambia vols. I & II.” PhD diss., University of California, Los Angeles, 1973.
120 Racanelli, David. “Formulaic Variation Procedures in Made Griot (Jeli) Guiltar Playing and Improvisation.” Analytical Approaches to World Music, vol 2, no. 1 (2012).
121 Kora Jaliya. “The Art of the Kora.” © 2007 Harald Loquenz,
122 Knight, Roderic. Personal interview. April 2013.
123 Knight, Roderic, “Mandinka Jaliya: The Professional Music of The Gambia vols. I & II.” PhD diss., University of California, Los Angeles, 1973.
124 Lawergren, Bo. “The Rebirth of the Angular Harp,” Early Music America (Summer 2011).
125 Khan, Kurosh Ali. The Arab-Turkish Musical Tradition. Salt Lake City, UT: Eastern Arts, 1980.
126 Lawergren, Bo, CD liner notes for Along the Silk Road, Mot,ma Music, 2010.
127 Khan, Kurosh Ali. The Arab-Turkish Musical Tradition. Salt Lake City, UT: Eastern Arts, 1980.
128 Pohlit, Stefan. “Julien Jalâl Ed-Dine Weiss: A Novel Tuning System for the Middle-Eastern Qānūn.” PhD diss., Istanbul Technical University: Institute of Social Sciences, 2011.
129 Khan, Kurosh Ali. The Arab-Turkish Musical Tradition. Salt Lake City, UT: Eastern Arts, 1980.
130 Maqam World. “The Arabic Maqam.” © 2005 Maqam World (Johnny Farraj)
131 Bates, Eliot, class notes for Lark in the Morning Camp, Mendocino CA, 2006.
132 Gezler, Stuart. “Georgian Tuning.”
133 Stuart Gezler. Personal interview. January 2011.
134 Maqam World. “The Arabic Maqam.” © 2005 Maqam World (Johnny Farraj)
135 Mimi Spencer, A Near Eastern Primer, Menlo Park, CA: Near Eastern Music West, Inc., 1991.
136 Maqam World. “Modulation in Arabic Music.” © 2005 Maqam World (Johnny Farraj)
137 Khan, Kurosh Ali. The Arab-Turkish Musical Tradition. Salt Lake City, UT: Eastern Arts, 1980.
138 Maqam World. “Modulation in Arabic Music.” © 2005 Maqam World (Johnny Farraj)
139 Khan, Kurosh Ali. The Arab-Turkish Musical Tradition. Salt Lake City, UT: Eastern Arts, 1980.
140 Maqam World. “Muwashahat Rhythms Group 4: Khush Rank.” © 2005 Maqam World (Johnny Farraj)
141 Khan, Kurosh Ali. The Arab-Turkish Musical Tradition. Salt Lake City, UT: Eastern Arts, 1980.
142 Maqam World. “Arabic Musical Forms (Genres).” © 2005 Maqam World (Johnny Farraj)
143 Khan, Kurosh Ali. The Arab-Turkish Musical Tradition. Salt Lake City, UT: Eastern Arts, 1980.
144 Mimi Spencer, A Near Eastern Primer, Menlo Park, CA: Near Eastern Music West, Inc., 1991.
145 Maqam World. “The Arabic Maqam.” © 2005 Maqam World (Johnny Farraj)
146 Ney Manufacturing Center. “Improvisations: Ney Improvisations: Beyâtî-arabân Saz Semâî.” (PDF), courtesy Robert Labaree.
147 Labaree, Robert. Personal interview. March 2013.
148 Nasuhioğlu, Orhan. Türk Musikisi - Rauf Yekta Bey. Istanbul: Pan Yayıncılık, 1986.
149 Bates, Eliot, email to the author, March 2013.
Chapter 3B
150 Wikipedia. “Carnatic music.” Last modified Sept 28, 2013.
151 Rossi, Marc. “The Influence of Indian Music on Jazz.”
152 Knight, Roderic. “The Harp in India Today,” Ethnomusicology, vol. 29, no. 1, University of Illinois Press (Winter 1985).
153 Batish, Ashwin. Personal interview. March 2013.
154 Batish, Pandit Shiv Dayal. “Singing Lesson #3: Singing with the Swarmandal.”
155 Schmidt-Jones, Catherine. Connexions. “Indian Classical Music: Tuning and Ragas.”
156 Mimi Spencer, A Near Eastern Primer, Menlo Park, CA: Near Eastern Music West, Inc., 1991.
157 Batish, Shiv Dayal Batish & Ashwin Batish, Ragopedia - Exotic Scales of North India, volume 1, Santa Cruz, CA: Batish Publications, 1989.
158 Bor, Joep, The Raga Guide, Nimbus Records/Rotterdam Conservatory of Music, Wyastone Estate Limited, 1999.
159 Batish, Ashwin. Personal interview. July 2013.
160 Batish, Shiv Dayal Batish & Ashwin Batish, Ragopedia - Exotic Scales of North India, volume 1, Santa Cruz, CA: Batish Publications, 1989.
161 Ali Akbar College of Music, Sathi - a friend who accompanies one on a journey, San Rafael CA: Ali Akbar College of Music (handbook).
162 Batish, Shiv Dayal Batish & Ashwin Batish. Ragopedia - Exotic Scales of North India, volume 1. Santa Cruz, CA: Batish Publications, 1989.
163 Bor, Joep, The Raga Guide, Nimbus Records/Rotterdam Conservatory of Music, Wyastone Estate Limited, 1999.
164 Batish, Ashwin. Personal interview. March 2013.
165 Batish, Shiv Dayal Batish & Ashwin Batish. Ragopedia - Exotic Scales of North India, volume 1. Santa Cruz, CA: Batish Publications, 1989.
166 Wikipedia. “Tala (Music).” Last modified September 22, 2013.
167 Ranade, Ashok Damodar. Music Contexts: A Concise Dictionary of Hindustani Music. New Delhi: Bibliophile South Asia, 2006.
168 Bor, Joep. The Raga Guid. Nimbus Records/Rotterdam Conservatory of Music, Wyastone Estate Limited, 1999.
169 Rossi, Marc. “The Influence of Indian Music on Jazz.”
170 Lawergren, Bo, CD liner notes for Along the Silk Road, Mot,ma Music, 2010.
171 Hoffman, Joy Yu. “FONG SHOU KONG HOU – A Phoenix Bird Head.”
172 Moe, Aung. “Konbaung Period Writers: Myawaddy Mingyi U Sa.” Yangon: Working People's Daily (May 16, 1988).
173 Wai, Su. Personal interview. August 2013.
174 Dydo, Stephen. Personal interview. March 2013.
175 “The Sound of History.”
176 Wong, Winnie. Personal interview. November 2012.
177 Chang, Carol. “Lesson 3: Vibrato.” Sound of China Guzheng Basic Tutorial.
178 Chang, Carol. “Lesson Eight: Left Hand Bending/Sliding/Portamento.” Sound of China Guzheng Basic Tutorial.
179 Chang, Carol. “Lesson 5: Advanced Right Hand Plucking Skills.” Sound of China Guzheng Basic Tutorial.
180 “The Sound of History.”
181 Rice, Joyce et al. “The Chinese Harp, or Konghou.” © 2011.
Chapter 3C
182 King, Andrew Lawrence. “Introduction to Medieval Harp.”
183 King, Andrew Lawrence. “Introduction to Renaissance (‘Gothic’) harp.”
184 Henebry, Richard. A Handbook of Irish Music. Cork University Press, 1928.
185 Robinson, Robinson. “The Semi-Tone.” Folk Harp Journal no. 2 (September 1973).
1862 Marta Cook. Personal interview. April 2013.
187 Early Gaelic Harp. “Fingernails.” © 2010 Simon Chadwick.
188 Taylor, Bill, Sources for Fingernail Harp Technique from Wales and Ireland, Wire Branch of the Clarsach Society, 2012.
189 King, Andrew Lawrence. “Introduction to Renaissance (‘Gothic’) harp.”
190 Henebry, Richard. A Handbook of Irish Music. Cork University Press, 1928.
191 “Pibroch songs and canntaireachd.”
193 King, Andrew Lawrence. “Introduction to Italian Baroque triple harp (arpa doppia).”
194 Wallace, Liza. Personal interview. March 2013.
195 Romero, Ramon. Personal interview. August 2012.
196 Wallace, Liza. Personal interview. March 2013.
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Note: due to extensive use of multiple languages, there is great variation in spelling regarding instruments and terms.
The most common spellings will be used throughout, with note made of popular alternate spellings.